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How To Get A P60 Replacement

Updated: Oct 7th, 2024

You have a couple of options to get a P60 document. But if you need it quickly... we send your free sample by email within 30 minutes. If happy click the link to pay and we send by post.
Simple, no fuss, professional payroll.

Convert e-Payroll or Replace Lost Documents

The UK employee P60 certificate is a summary of earnings and salary deductions. It covers the 12 month period to April 5th. Issued shortly after the year end. It should match the last payslip year-to-date amounts. Keep it safe.

It's often required to get finance or a mortgage, rent property, and prove employment. On its own it won't do any of those things but contributes to a package that includes banking and credit data.

If you lost a P60 or need a print version of your e-payroll documents you can get a replacement online but you have other options.

An Employer Should Help (if they can)

It's logical to try the employer first because it shouldn't cost you anything. Modern payroll software makes it easy and HMRC encourage their help. Perfect!

But there can be reasons why this might not be an option. Gone out of business. You don't have a relationship anymore. You may have asked and they are slow to respond, or they did and it's a printout or photocopy.

Replacement P60 Document for 2023 Top Section

The most recent P60 is easiest to get from an employer but other pay years can be tricky. Data might not be at hand or they don't have the forms.

Each P60 would usually have its own document, with the year end date incorporated in the design. You can't use them the next year and are often thrown out.

We often work with companies to produce documents so ask them to get in touch if they are struggling.

HMRC Statement (as an alternative)

If the employer can't help you can ask HMRC. They will send the information they have on file for the periods you request. It's not a copy P60 but can provide the same function. But it can take a few weeks to arrive. You could use this to create a print copy if required.

P60 Documents in 30 Minutes (or less)

Our online document service speeds up the process and can help you get a P60 for the last 5 years or more.

As long as you know how much pay you received; we have the pay tables and stationery to re-create your P60. If you don't know the pay; Ask the employer, HMRC, or you can check bank statements. We can calculate a P60 from gross or take home pay.

If you have an e-P60 from your employer we make it easy to copy the data and get printed stationery.

Replacement P60 Styles

We hold stock of original forms going back 15 years in the most popular layouts. To keep it simple all years and designs are the same price.

We charge £32.00 each. You get a PDF copy by email and printed stationery by post. Shipping is free. If you only need the PDF version you get a discount.

Your P60 would usually be set by the payroll software used by the company. All are valid documents. We stock genuine stationery in a choice of styles. The Orange P60 form is the most popular. They all include the same information in a different format.

P60 Prices
Email Only
Email + Post

Portrait style in Orange or Blue

The Orange portrait layout has become the default form in recent years. Since 2015 this is what you are likely to receive (although other styles are still used).

Security P60 postal mailer

The security mailer is a P60 and envelope in a single construction. After print the company would usually seal them. The employee address would show through a transparent window. The P60 could then go in the post. A special print pattern provides security from prying eyes. You tear along the edges to access the pay data when received. We supply unsealed in a covering envelope for economy when shipping. But you can seal and re-open if required.

Landscape P60

This is the traditional P60 style going back many years. It was still used right up until this year by Sage. They since announced they would stop printing their own stationery. So this layout is unlikely to be available in printed format.

Sample, Replace & Refund Guarantee

We're confident our P60 service will be what you need. That's why we make it easy to try us out with free samples. But don't overlook the other benefits. If you realise later you forgot to include something, you can edit free of charge. Even if we already shipped your order.

Our refund guarantee is simple. If they don't meet your needs we refund 'quickly'. There's no fuss. No song and dance.

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We've been doing this a long time. A big part of our business comes from recommendation by clients. So we're doing something right!

Click the free sample button. We'll email your PDF copies. If happy there's a link included to pay and we process your order. Post items ship on the next available post collection.

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Replacement P60 Common Questions

What is a P60? - In payroll / employment terms the P60 is the ‘End of Year Certificate’ that summarises pay and deductions in the 12 month tax year to April 5th.

How do I get my P60? - Your employer will issue shortly after April 5th. If you have not received by the end of May ask for it. If you need a copy P60 you can order online and get a PDF and printed documents by post.

How do I get a P60 online? - This can mean two things. If the employer runs e-Payroll you would login to your secure portal and download. If you lost documents you can get a copy P60 online with your pay information. This is calculated from information you provide not directly from the employer. We show above how to order.

How to replace a lost P60 - Try the employer first. If they can’t help HMRC can tell you how much you earned. With that information you can get a replacement P60 in minutes by email. Post copies if required will follow.

Can I view my P60 online? - If the employer runs online payroll you can login and see your P60 then download if required. Otherwise you can create a digital copy P60 online which we forward as PDF document.

How do I get a P60 for the last 5 years? - Enter your payroll information using our secure form. At this stage select ‘Free Sample’ and we forward by email. You will need to do this for each year. After the last of your 5 years we will forward a payment link for three with two extra free of charge.

Do I get a P60 from previous employer? - Your P60 will be issued by the company you work for on April 5th. If you switched jobs during the year and handed in your P45 your employer will include the earnings and deductions from the previous employer on the document.

Is there a P60 template or P60 form download? - We don’t have a blank template but you can use our secure form to add data and we will create your P60 for you. You can download as PDF copies or we send printed forms.

Can I get a P60 copy from HMRC? - They will provide the information in a letter but not a P60 document. The P60 is issued by the employer and the data transferred electronically to HMRC. With the data they provide you could create a printed copy P60 online. You received a PDF in minutes and printed forms in a couple of days.

I lost my P60 what should I do? - Tell your employer and see if they can issue a replacement. If found someone might hand it in. It has both your home address and the company detail. Other than that, do nothing. You might worry about identity theft but a P60 on its own is useless without supporting documentation.

How to create a P60. - Our online platform uses pay tables from the last 20 years to generate replacement copy documents based on salary and tax code. We keep stock of stationery for each period and can supply printed documents if required.

How to get an old P60. - Using the correct pay table and forms for any given year you can create an old P60. The main information needed is the years salary and if you paid standard tax or had a special code.

Can I get a fake P60 for a loan? - Your online provider can’t check your earnings with the company or HMRC. You could enter any amount. That amount would be calculated correctly. However… a copy P60 won’t get you a loan on its own. It would be cross referenced with bank and your credit profile to verify earnings. A fake P60 would be useless.

Can I get a Free P60? - The employer will not charge for a P60 so yes you can get a free document. If you lose your copy and they can’t produce another then HMRC will give you the information without charge. If you then need to create a duplicate online, we give you free samples but if you want a full copy we charge a fee.

Which P60 style is correct? - There was once a single style. It was a blue landscape layout and this was the top copy of a 3 part NCR form. These were issued to employers by HMRC. As computerised payroll systems developed they let software developers create their own designs as long as the required information was included. Designs had to be approved by Inland Revenue. More recently an portrait style printed orange & blue is most recognisable but all are still valid.

Can I print the PDF? - Yes. The PDF is a 300dpi image. Much depends on your print settings. Make sure you are set to print at 100% at actual size (not fit to page). The genuine pay documents we supply will always be better.

Will I get a real P60? - Yes. We use popular stationery from the major software providers, and they are approved P60 forms. You will also receive an email copy generated from our software system which will match the chosen layout.

What information do I need to get a P60? - It's all quite standard. Your name & address. Employer details. Salary and if you have non-standard tax arrangements.

How to Order a Replacement P60

How to get a P60 slide 01

Start by selecting what you need. Payslips, P60, or both. In this example we'll select P60.

Use the (Change Style) button to cycle through payslip designs until you find what you need.

Then choose the pay year-end required.

Note that the pay year runs from April 6th to April 5th of the following year and covers pay received between those dates.

How to get a P60 slide 02

Enter the company detail.

The name and the full address are required on the P60.

Then enter the company PAYE reference number. This is the identity HMRC issues to your employer. If you're not sure get a colleague to check their P60 as it will be the same.

How to get a P60 slide 03

Add the employee (worker) name.

On a P60 the name is split by surname the forenames. Please enter on separate lines.

The combined name will then autofill the worker name.

Enter the full home address.

How to get a P60 slide 04

Enter employee national insurance number.

Check box if 67 years or older. This adjusts the NI calculation.

Work ID is optional.

How to get a P60 slide 05

Enter the correct tax code next. If unsure leave  empty and we use the standard tax code for the pay year.

If you live in Scotland change tax region. The calculation is a little different to the rest of the UK.

How to get a P60 slide 06

Enter the pay period. Weekly. Two week. Four week or Monthly.

Then enter the salary and let us know if the amount you input is for each period or the whole year.

If pay changes each month you should total all pay received during the year to 5th Apr.

Let us know if the amount provided is before deductions or take home pay (Gross or Net).

How to get a P60 slide 07

If work started during the pay year enter the date of the first payslip.

Selecting 'New Starter' will also give you the option to input salary from previous employer as shown on your P45.

How to get a P60 slide 08

We can already create your P60 from the information supplied but if you need full control select advanced.

You can then enter all the data that shows on the P60 form.

This is particularly useful if converting an e-P60 to printed items.

How to get a P60 slide 09

Choose shipping method.

If you only want email a 50% discount will apply.

If you want samples first check the box and you skip payment.

How to get a P60 slide 10

Enter email and any shipping details. Submit the request.

If you selected sample your order will be in our system and we'll email copies very soon.

Otherwise make payment and we process your order.

If purchasing documents you will transfer to the payment provider and then back to our site. Otherwise you’ll come straight back here while we prepare your documents. Our software will calculate your copy P60 based on the data submitted. Then generate a high quality PDF document which will arrive by email.

Data security is important. Your pay information is only in our system while creating documents. We include a long link encoded with your data in the email if you wish to make amendments or order again. This will populate the order fields to save re-entering everything.

Check the PDF copy. If you made any errors or wish to change something use the link and make amendments.

How do I get my P60 from HMRC? - Your P60 is not issued by HMRC. It comes from your employer. But they also send the information to Revenue & Customs for their records. They will (on request) send you the information on file as a statement. They won’t issue a new P60 but you can use the data provided to get a copy online.

Can I get a fake P60? - You can make your P60 show any amount. We can't verify with the employer or HMRC. We calculate correctly and print on genuine stationery. But… fake documents are useless. They need to match bank data and credit profiles. Your payslip could say you earn a small fortune but if your digital footprint doesn't match it's easy to see.

How to get copies of old P60 forms. - You can create copy P60 documents going back to 2005. You need to know your salary and if you paid standard tax or had a special code. Our software uses old pay tables to work out tax & national insurance deductions. You will need to know your salary at the time.

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