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Can I Get Fake Payslips?

May 28, 2024

So…. You can create payslips showing any amount and our system will calculate everything correctly. We can’t verify your data and will print documents on genuine payroll forms. But… there are some important things to consider depending on what you need ‘fake payslips’ for. They're rarely requested on their own as ‘proof of employment’ and usually accompany bank statements and a search of your credit file. We live in a digital world now and there are few surprises.

If you lost payslips or receive e-payslips and want printed versions also known as replacement payslips… they're perfect.

Fake payslips… Unless trying to prank family or friends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Read on for more discussion.

Fake Income Detector

Fake Payslips and the Bubble of 2007/08

The days of submitting fake payslips for a mortgage application are well behind us. There was a time you could ‘self certify’ earnings and easily get a loan towards a house purchase. This undoubtedly contributed towards the property boom and subsequent crash of 2008.

House prices were in a rapidly inflating bubble and large gains could be made, so it was enticing to buy multiple properties to rent out. Banks had an easy attitude towards risk because they were grouping mortgages together and selling as a ‘security’. Anyway… long story short, the investments started to be viewed as risky because they had given mortgages to people who couldn’t afford them had interest rates risen. Inter-bank lending dried up because they didn’t trust each others balance sheets, and some banks collapsed. OK, it's a bit more complex but that's essentially true.

Anyway… back to today. Lending institutions tightened up procedures and started to asses affordability, and check proof of earnings. Payslips need to match bank statements and the other information held on file at the credit reference agencies, and are useless on their own.

There are suppliers of fake ‘replica’ or ‘novelty’ documents who offer bank statements and utility bills, but these can be easily identified by an experienced eye. You’ll pay a lot of money for documentation only to find it doesn’t match the extensive data already held on file about you raising a red flag.

Opinion, but I’d say it’s near impossible to get everything to match the other links in the chain and therefore a fast track to end in tears.

If you need replacement payslips based on genuine pay amounts, we can correctly reproduce them and they will tie in with all your other data indicators. If you want fakes... sorry we can't help.

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